About Us

Our ethos at Positive Choices is to ensure we provide our tenants quality accommodation and ensure they receive the right support. We currently deliver housing and support across Birmingham & Manchester, often people with complex needs, including a history of offending, substance misuse, and mental health.

We ensure we source the right landlords and the most appropriate properties for our tenants. We carry out in depth due diligence on our landlords and properties to ensure we comply with housing regulations and meet the needs of our tenants.

We adopt a person centred approach towards our tenants and ensure the support they receive benefits and develops their lives and futures. Our staff are vetted carefully to ensure they have the right credentials and experience to support our tenants.

Our robust compliance systems ensure us to stay ahead of the game and allows us to comply with all regulations.

Our directors have 30 years’ experience between them and have always had a desire to support others in the community, with this in mind we ensure that the same ethos is cascaded throughout the organisation and our delivery of support is above others.


Customer Testimonials